You can take back control.
Therapy for anxiety in NC and SC
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health concerns alongside depression. In fact, everyone feels anxious from time to time. But, what happens when a little stress and worry turn into something more problematic?
You may have noticed that you seem to be fearful or worried all the time. Almost as if your brain never shuts off. This overwhelms you and makes it hard for you to get anything done. You might be having trouble sleeping at night. You’re analyzing something you did earlier in the day, last week, last month, or even last year. Then, it comes time to get up in the morning. You find you’re both mentally and physically exhausted. Now, you dread having to begin another stressful day.
Or, life and all its transitions may have thrown you some curveballs. Now, you find yourself feeling stressed and even panicked about the new drama. When you are stuck in the throes of anxiety, life can feel very overwhelming and even hopeless at times. Here’s the thing, anxiety if left untreated usually gets worse and harder to manage. In time, it will snowball into a monster that you cannot control and it will consume your life in a negative way or affect your relationships. But, here’s the good news, anxiety is very treatable with the right support system. Anxiety treatment can provide the support you deserve.
“Let’s work together to take control of your anxiety symptoms so you can enjoy your life again”
Life doesn’t have to feel this way.
Everyone experiences anxiety in different ways. But, there are some common symptoms of anxiety that you should be aware of. These symptoms include:
Feeling worried, stress, nervous, or tense
Not being able to quiet your mind and worrisome thoughts
An impending sense of doom or danger
Trouble concentrating
Changes in sleeping patterns: sleeping too much or too little
Changes in eating: eating too much or too little
Rapid heart rate
Tightness in the chest
Muscle pain
Stomach aches
Therapy for anxiety can help you…
to understand the biological role that anxiety plays. In short, anxiety is your mind’s way of protecting your body from harm. When your body becomes anxious it sends you into fight or flight mode to ensure survival. So, a little bit of anxiety is actually healthy.
After anxiety treatment, many of my clients report feeling less anxious and calm. This is because they have received the tools needed to deal with distress when it arises. Thus, they can move forward from past baggage and pain.